tenant forms & information

Table outside with Circle flower seed packets and the Summer 2023 edition of Scatter Notes.

On this page, you’ll find important information related to Rent-Geared-to-Income Assistance, Rent Payments, and more.


Important Information & Announcements

Important Changes to Rent-Geared-to-Income Eligibility, Nov 2023:
To view notice, click here.

Rent Payment Forms
To download to Pre-Authorized Rent Payment (PAP) Signup Form click here.

Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) Forms
If you receive an RGI subsidy, Circle will send you an Annual Review (AR) package once a year. The package includes forms that must be filled out to report the income of everyone in your household. These forms must be completed by the specific deadline provided in your package. Please mail or drop off your completed AR documents to your Community Tenant Services Worker (CTSW) at the Circle office. If you don’t know who your CTSW is, please contact tenantservices@circlelandtrust.ca, or 437-781-8432 ext. 2.

Circle’s mailing address:
365 Bloor Street East, Suite 1902
Toronto ON, M4W 3L4
Office hours: 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday

To complete your AR, you must provide Circle with the following documentation:

  • Copy of CRA Notice of Assessment for each household member over the age of 16
  • Proof of full-time student status for each member of the household over the age of 16, if applicable
  • Current benefit statement for all household members receiving Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program, if applicable
  • Statement of your registered disability savings plan, if applicable

RGI Forms

To download a copy of the full Annual Review paperwork,
 click here.

To download the Consent and Declaration for RGI Review form, click here.

To download the Household Asset Declaration for RGI form, click here.

Reminder About Reporting Changes:

Some changes may lead to an in-year review of your Rent-Geared-to-Income Subsidy. Households must notify us within 30 calendar days of the following of the following changes or events:

  • A permanent change to the household composition
  • A household member ceases to be a full-time student
  • A member of the household begins or stops receiving social assistance, such as OW or ODSP
  • A member of the household has had their taxes reassessed or additionally assessed
  • A member of a benefit unit has a permanent increase in income that may cause them to exceed their non-benefit income limit

You may request an in-year review where there has been a reduction in your net household income of at least 20% since the most recent annual review.

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